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      Earthquake in Japan:Coating Chemicals price go up

      Update time:2012/8/10 Clicks:5381

      On March 11th, earthquake occurred in Japan, the east coast of Japan is a large concentration of iron and steel industry, petrochemical industry, manufacturing industry, nuclear industry in japan.

      Earthquake affected many factories in this area and suffering a significant loss,some analysts believe that : oil refining, chemical enterprise production may be supplied to the Asian market volume was significantly reduced, omatics, propylene oxide, TDI, MDI and other major coatings raw material prices will continue to go high. at present, the Japanese domestic chemical refinery shut down heavily, approximately 1/3 of the capacity of the affected.

      Japanese chemical enterprises are undering undoubtedly an unprecedented blow. Even though some refineries are in normal operation, but it is expected the near future Japan would reduce the important coating raw materials exports, in order to supply domestic demand, or it will promote Asian and rising prices of raw materials.

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